Re: Immortality

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 14:14:07 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Russo" <>

> Being new to extropy, and having just begun thinking about this
> subject, I've been trying to decide how I feel about this whole
> cloning/uploading/backup thing.

Some of us have been thinking about/debating/discussing/analyzing this
subject for a -very- long time.

> My only further question is why the people in this thread so adverse
> to backup restoration don't just admit that they're basing their
> decision upon a subjective sentimental factor and be done with it in
> a somewhat intellectually honest fashion.

Tsk tsk! You mean: you've decided that attachment to a particular discrete
experience is subjective sentinmentalism and those who differ should stop
being intellectually dishonest and just agree with you?

-True- intellectual honesty, Chris, would mandate a recognition of the
complexity and subtle ramifications of the issues.

> Instead, I've seen only the use of equivocation for words like
> "consciousness" and "continuity" in some hopeless effort at
> maintaining a logical argument.

"Hopeless effort at maintaining a logical argument???" Wow. Those are big
words. Well, since you have so incisively pierced through my intellectual
dishonesty and uncovered the hopeless illogic of my arguments, it should be
exceedingly trivial for you to point out the myriad of intellectual
discrepencies that I have perpetrated in my equivocal and sentimental
rationalizing (dare we even call it rational??)

Even though the many flaws of my reasoning might be ridiculously obvious, I
invite you to make an actual *argument* -- it is notoriously more
efficacious at exposing illogic than are unsubstantianted pronouncements of

To that end (and for the sake of brevity,) I invite you to engage the
discussion at hand by means of the following question:

Does the initial discrete reality experiencer transition into a new
substrate upon the creation of a copy?

Have a nice day!


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