Re: Immortality

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 13:32:38 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "zeb haradon" <>

> This debate - about whether I would attain immortality by creating an
> atom-by-atom replica of myself, gets right to the heart of consciousness.
> know that I am a different person, however slightly, in matter and
> organization, then I was 5 minutes ago - and much more then I was 10 years
> ago.

Sure, you're a 'different' person-- but -you- got to be around for the
process of change. In fact, you -are- the process of change. You are the

> I know that I "break continuity" every night when I sleep.

Are you sure? Your brain doesn't 'switch off.'

I've a pet theory: Dreaming is the pilot light of the consciousness.


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