What box? was: Re: Psychadellics

From: Enthio@aol.com
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 23:11:08 MST

Altered concuisness; a favorite subject.

Thinking outside the box, it seems that new, grander
perceptions often seem to form a larger "box".
The task now is to completely obliterate the
boundaries of perception, trancend the prison
of societal conditioning and unlearn the imposed
concensus reality.
Every so often the status quo must be challenged.

When one percieves connections while "tripping"
which did not appear apparent prior to the experience
it is often, I believe, a result of the breakdown
of that which has been learned. When reality is in
question, is when the real learning begins.
If one is not prepared for this, it can be rather
disturbing and may result in a "bad trip".

A trip is like binary fractal feedback, all sensory
input is looped back upon itself and reconsidered
repeatedly along with internal input, resulting in
hallucinations, visual and auditory trailors, and
essentially a questioning af all that one considers

Flashbacks have usually been very mild reminders
of the sensations experienced while under the
influence and short lived for the most part. Further,
after a brief moment of meditation on hallucinogenic
sensations, one can enduce them in ones own mind,
even if it's been several years since any have been
Simply writing on the subject causes mild flashbacks.

Lately I've found that a few deep breaths,
complete relaxation and focus almost places me
in a trance in which I find it effortless to accell
at any task, be it chess, typing, marksmanship,
programming or inducing lucid dreams, whatever.

Sometimes, it seems that I can transmit ideas to
another person simply by concintrating - makes
me a little paraniod that others are reading my
mind - but that's stretchning it.

Happy Hunting!

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