Re: Rebuilding the Extropy FAQ

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 16:14:09 MST

As Brian was saying, it tends to be the >H'ers that are 'snippy'.
Frankly Al, I find this to be a real load of absolute crap. I've had
some of the best and most constructive debates and arguments of my life
with people here who I would not deny for a second were extropians.
Moreover, I never saw so much groupthink and political correctness
together than I did on the >H list outside of the network media and
various special interest groups.

Al Billings wrote:
> > Transhumanism - political correctness = Extropianism
> >
> > Feel free to elaborate on the formula.
> Transhumanism - political correctness + groupthink = Extropianism

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