Re: Immortality

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 04:40:06 MST

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
> Nicq MacDonald wrote,
> > Hardly! Do you have any idea how hard it is to bring one's self to
> commit
> > suicide?
> Yes, and the more cowardly the suicidal self, the more difficult it is to
> commit the final act.
> Cowardice keeps millions of depressed and despairing people alive.
> Nevertheless, if you haven't considered suicide, you haven't matured much.
> If you have never considered suicide, you don't understand the human
> condition.

Yes. Rand was right. The fundamental decision is whether to live or
not. That decision, made fully, is key. The majority of people haven't
decided one way or the other. Quite sad. They're neither here, nor
not here; neither committed to living life or to dying. They are the
living dead or at best those who are simply trying to while away time as
pleasantly as possible
until they die. They are empty shells. This sickens and angers me.

- samantha

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