Re: Privacy now and in the future

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 19:23:11 MST

From: "Jason Joel Thompson" <>

> From: "Zero Powers" <>
> > So, on the one hand you say you are an Extropian hoping one day to
> > Uberman. On the other hand you want to put up impenetrable road blocks
> > the information super-highway. Look in the mirror. What do you call
> > yourself?

> Someone who prefers powerful information to free information.

Implying somehow that free information is less powerful than hidden info?
If so, how? Why? Examples please.

> Someone who prefers personal empowerment to the empowerment of the
> collective.

What is a "collective" other than a set of "personal" entities? If persons
as individuals are empowered, doesn't that also simultaneously empower the
collection of those persons? Or are you saying that empowerment is OK for
you, so long as it isn't available to your peers?

> Someone who believes that roadblocks breed innovation.

Agreed. The logical result being that innovation breaches the roadblocks,
and the roadblocks turn out to be a net waste of time. You know, "the net
interprets censorship as damage and routes around it" thing.

> Someone who believes that maximum power is not found in totally free
> to information, since that is a disempowerment of our ability to make
> information secure.

Sounds nice. But isn't that similar to saying that strength is not strong
because it disempowers our ability to be weak? Or wealth disempowers our
ability to be poor?

> Instead, rather, (as in most things) there is a point
> of maximum resonance found on the line of tension between the extremes and
> this is where the most interesting things happen. (i.e. Chaos <--> Order
> Complexity)

Not sure I follow. But I think you're saying that if we had all the answers
(i.e. unfettered access to all information) life would be a boring bummer.
Perhaps. But I think we've got a l-o-o-o-o-n-g way to go before we have to
deal with that problem. The universe has hidden her secrets quite well and
we are only beginning now to hammer out the tools that will help us build
the tools that will help us ferret out those secrets.


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