"Freaking the mundanes" was Re: Civilization and Enemies, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFUL LIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Emlyn (emlyn@one.net.au)
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 02:34:56 MST

> I mean, really, haven't you ever freaked a mundane? You know what I'm
> talking about, don't you?

I remember convincing a girl at a uni party that I really, truly, wanted to
replace all my bodily biological goop with "robotic" parts, no matter how
freaky, as long as they confered excellent advantages. Basically, becoming a
cyberman (for all Doctor Who fans out there, although I would remove the
weird vulnerability to gold dust). When she realised that I really meant it,
she bugged right out - she was a jingly jangly, bells on the ankles anthro

Let's here 'em; the freaking-the-mundanes story

(btw, before someone pulls me up on the derogatory tone that I'm using to
refer to my fellow humans, lovely darlings that they are, just remember that
I could have called them danes, humbots, all kinds of 'orrible nyms.)

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