Re: Structure around the planet.

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 18:47:44 MST wrote:

> Where is the "scrith" when you really need it?!? We engineers are always looking for solutions, and of course, new materials. "Unobtanium" is something we are looking for to please our fussy, weight-conscious NASA customers! 1/100th the weight, 6 times the strength.... ooo what I wouldn't give right now for some carbon nanotube materials! Another interesting area to look into is aerogels.... The insulating properties of aerogels and the potential of using them to screen not only micrometeorites but also guard versus radiation if doped with the proper elements. I'm certainly no expert, and please, if anyone has more information on the potential applications of aerogels, please let me know!
> Brian

I am thinking about alloy cables and inertia compensators. I think you can assume twist and flux will be solved problems.

Make it there from either more raw or more sythetic materials around the planet or planetoid. As I was thinking about it, there would be a regular schedule of supply shuttles that launched using aerobodies from orbit.

If you could make a field to alter energy through it, then, you could both limit incoming energy like dangerous cosmic radiation, or withhold emissions like satellite TV to outside the area of the planet, surrounded by the field from cable poles.


Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:

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