Re: tetrachromatics

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 12:42:15 MST

I sense an ExI-Bay ROAD TRIP!!! :)

Raph, I would like to see if we could line up a visit some time for a
few friends to check these out.

ExI-Bay: Maybe schedule it for the same day as a Tactile Dome visit at
the Exploratorium. Hmm, and sushi. That takes care of at least three
senses. Can we pack the whole set into one day? :>

Would someone on ExI-Bay do me the courtesy of crossposting this MS
there? Thanks.


Brian D Williams wrote:
> This is the reply I got from Raph, a fine fellow.
> reposted by permission.
> From: Raph Levien <>
> Brian D Williams wrote:
> >
> > I was curious if your patent was related to this article, on
> > tetrachromatics.
> Yes, they work. They are not in production, however. If you feel
> like blowing some money, it would probably cost about $1k to
> fabricate another prototype. (I only had a few made, and only one
> of those in a wearable eyeglass frame).
> Another possibility would be to get them into production. If you
> know anyone who would like to do so, I'd be interested.
> Incidentally, I dug out my protype and am wearing it now. While
> most color shifts are fairly subtle, they make the LCD screen I'm
> typing on bright magenta. They have other interesting effects on
> "unusual color sources". For example, your standard yellow-green
> retroreflective strip for bike safety appears to have a deep inner
> glow.
> If you want to try these yourself and are near Benicia any time
> soon, I could show them in person. I'm a bit protective of the one
> prototype, and am not willing to ship it.
> Raph

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