Re: SOC/BIO Re: Survey on US attitudes toward germ-line genetic selection

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 12:25:44 MST

Ah, but lotteries breed lucky people (a la Niven) if there is such a
thing, so it is selecting for 'something'. Paranormal researchers should
be testing people that have won multiple lotteries.

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> We need some sort of "control natural" law, too (ref: Papa Heinlein).
> Think hybrid vigor, vintage seed catalogs, etc. Carrying on with the
> analogy, selecting for beauty or too particular a kind of "intelligence"
> could lead to monocultures that are vulnerable to Ponzi schemes, etc.
> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> >
> > > No, No, it's better to play the lottery than invest...
> >
> > Thats right. Investing takes hard work (thinking) and 'lots of money'
> > (i.e. money many would prefer spending on beer and smokes). Anyone can
> > play the lottery on spare change. ;-)

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