Re: SOC/BIO Re: Survey on US attitudes toward germ-line genetic selection

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 09:33:52 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:
> >From:
> >The survey showed that 67% of respondents feel embryo selection is
> >all right in such a case. However, 72% said parents should not be
> >able to ``choose to have a child who is good-looking", and
> >two-thirds were against picking a "gifted" child. Sixty-four
> >percent opposed choosing the sex of a child. Respondents were
> >split on whether it is acceptable to pick an embryo free of
> >genetic disease--48% were for it, while 44% opposed it.
> >Overall, men gave more support than women did to parents' ability
> >to choose embryos. (Reuters)
> Geez, what a species... despite the fact that almost every time we
> look at another human we are making potential genetic choices.
> No, No, it's better to play the lottery than invest...

Thats right. Investing takes hard work (thinking) and 'lots of money'
(i.e. money many would prefer spending on beer and smokes). Anyone can
play the lottery on spare change. ;-)

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