Re: as others see us

From: Alex Future Bokov (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 18:45:56 MST


On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:

> Note to all: when posting URLs that have spaces in them, please place
> the entire URL in quotes so the whole URL is highlighted as a link by
> email readers. The one below cut off after 'The', giving a bad link.

Hey you materialist! URLs with spaces in them are a natural part of
being on the internet. These URLs sometimes lead to wisdom if you
know how to follow. Now sit back down and return to clicking the
broken URLs fate has dealt you.

My god, that review... I keep hearing the same damn opinion echoed,
right down to the same cliche metaphors, from people who couldn't have
possibly met! Where is this crap coming from?! It just doesn't make
sense. Having exhausted all the rational explanations, I'm left with
the following theories:

1. Aliens have infiltrated our culture and are spreading defeatist
memes, presumably to non-violently pre-empt competition.

2. Once a culture reaches a certain critical size a subtle, low-key
mass insanity (mass neurosis?) takes hold. CF fall of the Roman Empire.

3. Humans have an inherent tendency toward self-defeatism and hatred
of success. Except us mutants.

4. Some religionists went underground and resurfaced as "modern" luddites.

Whatever the case, there's too many of them to enlighten. We'll soon be
overrun. The only remaining course of action is clear... let's re-read
Atlas Shrugged and start packing our bags.

- --

Posse Comitatus CID AK47
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