Re: DC Extropians oppose Greenpeace

From: zeb haradon (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 17:39:19 MST

>From: "Randy Smith" <>
>Subject: Re: DC Extropians oppose Greenpeace
>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:34:19 -0600
>>From: "estropico >" <>
>>Subject: DC Extropians oppose Greenpeace
>>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:59:16 -0000
>>From Extrodot:
>>Chris Fedeli writes: "On Tuesday, November 28th, extropians and DC locals
>>Keith Lynch, Alan Grimes, and Chris Fedeli demonstrated against a
>>action protesting the EPA's decision to consider Aventis' request for
>>approval of their Starlink genetically modified corn."
>>A resounding WELL DONE! to all those involved.
>Ditto to that. I wish I could have been there. I suppose that PR-wise there
>are drawsbacks to this kind of counterdemonstartion, as others here have
>pointed out, but emotionally, I love it.

Yes, this is good. I'd like to know how to find out when Greenpeace (and
similar groups') protests are scheduled. I think the best way to counter the
bad PR is to have the counter-protesters be smarter (not difficult), more
concise and intuitive in providing sound-bites, friendlier, and more fun.
Like setting up a stand giving out free tacos made with starlink shells and
GM tomatoes.
I read a great book a few years ago, "Rules for radicals", it's basic
instruction for protests and the author's manifesto to some degree. The
manifesto aspect is crap, but the instruction is very good. It's like "The
Prince" in reverse. Here's a link on amazon:

Zeb Haradon (
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