Revined URL was re: An article about escalating software complexity

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 10:36:15 MST

Ummm. Thanks for the link, but are you aware that it expired?:
(.../TODAYS.TOPSTORY.HTM) has a tendency to do that. I found it at

> Emlyn wrote:
> This is a funny article about the increasing cost of computerisation,
> and the apparent hopelessness of software developers (it's all our
> fault, apparently).
> I really liked this:
> Jones concludes in his published paper, "There would probably be
> no software labor shortage if software quality could be brought under
> full control."
> Emlyn
> (There would probably be no money shortage, either, if someone would
> just hand out lots of money)

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