Re: THE PLANT: it failed

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 08:23:35 MST

From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>

>The PBS you describe seems to be following the model of magazines
>and newspapers everywhere, while only online news/mags seem to
>follow the tv broadcast model, and scholarly journals typically
>only follow the subscription only model. The old PBS model only
>works so long as enough people with money are bamboozled into
>beleiving in the superior quality of programming on PBS, and don't
>mind paying other people's way (typically under the elitist meme
>that they are helping to 'enlighten' people), which is why PBS
>tends to be dominated by left wing liberals.

I not only used to subscribe, but I used to man a phone during
pledge drives. I'm hard pressed to say what I watch on 11 anymore
with the exception of "Wall Street Week".

They always whine during pledge drives how they don't get a dime
from cable, I wouldn't let cable have the channel for free.


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