Re: Gargoyles in court

From: zeb haradon (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 17:23:18 MST

>Subject: Gargoyles in court
>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 18:16:19 -0800
> writes at
> Why won't the Supreme Court allow TV cameras at Friday's hearing
> on George W. Bush's appeal of the Florida Supreme Court ruling?
> Because it won't allow cameras at any of their hearings. It allows
> reporters to take notes but not tape proceedings, and members of
> the viewing public who try to take notes will have their pencils
> confiscated.


>Confiscating pencils to stop people from keeping notes! How dare they!
>My memories, my experiences, are my own, and whether my memories are
>stored in neural synapses or scribblings on paper is irrelevant. It's sad
>to see the court clinging to a 19th century model of information when so
>many important 21st century issues, from IP protection to crypto rights,
>will turn on exactly that issue.

That is pretty stupid. I hereby issue a challenge to everyone in the world
to try to nullify it. First person who comes up with an illegally shot video
of a supreme court proceeding, I will give you 5$.

Zeb Haradon (
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