Practical Use of quantum entanglement/wormholes...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 15:38:14 MST

Ok, I've come up with a very useful, money making use for quantum
entanglement and wormhole technology here on earth in the here and now:
instant mail ordering. Lets say I am leaving on a trip, and I want that
pair of LL Bean docksiders for this trip, TODAY, or maybe I'm on a trip,
and I wanted them before I left. I call up an LL Bean operator, and
place my order and say I want to receive it today (or maybe last week
some time). The order goes through the Wormhole Area Network Loop to
return to the server two weeks ago. The order gets processed in that
batch then, giving plenty of time for the LL Bean to ship by the slowest
method (thus saving the most money on shipping) and still getting you
your product today, or else before you left on your trip. The only
difficulty I see is dealing with the looping perceptions if you receive
the product before you order it. People will get products before they
order them, refuse to accept the shipment, then bitch when they need
them, order the product, only to have the operator say,"We sent you
those shoes last week but you refused the shipment, though you still owe
us for shipping. We're putting it on your quantum credit card, so you've
already paid, thanks. Have a nice day!"

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