Re: 137: Sheer blank-minded stupidity

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Nov 26 2000 - 11:06:46 MST

Exactly how would you verify an emotion by experiment? I don't believe we
are yet capable in practice of verifying everything that is real by

- samantha

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:

> Eugene Leitl writes,
> > Now if you please could explain what "actually exists" means...
> Okay, take out the word "actually" (it isn't actually necessary), and our
> troll-o-meter should settle back down, right?
> Reality means all that exists. "Exists" means you (or someone you
> designate) can verify its presence via experiment.
> Stay hungry,
> --J. R.
> 3M TA3
> "It's not your vote that counts,
> it's who counts your vote."
> --Al Gore
> (Or was it Joseph Stalin... Hitler? Oh well, one of those socialists.)

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