Notes from "Living to 100"

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 08:08:15 MST

A few interesting facts from the book "Living To 100" by Dr Thomas
T. Perls and Margery Hutter Silver.

* after the age of 65, women outnumber men 3-1.

* 85% of centenarians are women.

Another interesting fact confirmed in this book is the very bad
effects excess iron has on men. Iron ions are required for free
radical formation. So once again it is confirmed that men should
NOT take supplements containing iron, and the author suggests
regular blood donations as a way to lessen the iron load for men,
(I donate platelets bimonthly) apparently in a study such men have
lower risk for iron related cardiac problems. (heart


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Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
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