RE: Re: Weight training

Date: Tue Nov 21 2000 - 13:53:15 MST

Ralph Lewis wrote:

>>And don't forget cardio, 30 to 45 mts. a day, 5x week.

>I find walking slow, 3.6 mph, 1 to 4 degrees on a treadmill
works best for me.

My lifestyle has been so active over the years living in a ski
resort - skiing, cycling, hiking, horseback riding that, I didn't
need to do aerobics. When I moved to LA, dancing and yoga fulfilled
my cardio workout.

I'll admit, I don't like doing the treadmill - I've been struggling
with cardio the past year due to knee problems, but I recently
started doing the stairs (due to supplements for ligaments and
joints) again which helps gluts, guads and hamstrings and the
heart. I still prefer to dance but I'm not very good at it anymore,
although I'd like to do some Madonna/Jackson/Martin routines



>This URL is several years old and my workout schedule has changed
somewhat. Best advice is work on your form, lift the weights
visualizing yourself in excellent form and think of the muscle
group you are working. Watch it flex. Also nutrition is essential
to benefit from weight lifting.
>Natasha Vita-More
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Ralph Lewis, Professor of Management and Human Resources
College of Business
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California

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