Re: Relativism

From: Emlyn (
Date: Sat Nov 18 2000 - 08:20:32 MST

> > So what motivates you to keep on living? The joy of spreading this
> > to others?
> >
> > -Davq
> Ah. Mockery. I don't have the freedom to spell my name the way I want to
> now?
> What motivates me to keep on living is my hope that I can generate enough
> courage to truly live, that I can escape every boundary and discover true
> freedom, liberation from existence itself through destroying the very
> concept of belief, by simultaneously believing everything and believing
> nothing, and seeing through the illusion therewith. It's not too
> of an idea to postulate- I'm just finding it difficult to put into
> -Nicq
That's because it is content-free.

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