Re: Smart Drugs: Extropian Brain Health

From: Max More (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2000 - 12:38:41 MST

At 11:16 AM 11/3/00, you wrote:

>Do any of the Extropians on this list use Smart Drugs?
>Does anyone have a recommended source for Piracetam? Particularly one with
>quick shipping?

I haven't used it in years, but I liked Piracetam (but only noticed effects
at high doses). I believe I used to get it from InHome Health and one other
company. Sorrry for the vagueness, but I think InHome is based in
Amsterdam, though I remember ordering from a company based in England.
Shipping wasn't terribly quick as I recall.

Have you tried the web site for CERI? (Cognitive Enhancement Research

We haven't had a discussion on smart drugs in a while. Has anyone come
across anything that really works and is not well known?


Max More, or
President, Extropy Institute.
Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Consulting:

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