will the real Robert Bradbury please stand up, please stand up?

From: John M Grigg (starman125@lycos.com)
Date: Fri Oct 27 2000 - 20:32:11 MDT

supposedly the real real Robert Bradbury we all know and love wrote:
Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@aeiveos.com)
Date: Sat May 06 2000 - 16:11:19 MDT
Hey, Hey, Hey, Fat Robert, comes into the room and plops himself
down on the couch between skinny Lee and skinny Nadia, forcing
them into the corners with rather pinched looks on their faces,
and says, "You know, like man, I've got 40 messages currently in my
"Courtesy" file, and while I'm a staunch supporter of freedom of
communication, I have to comment on this --....

Robert Bradbury claims to be an obese fellow but I have looked at the picture at his website which shows someone very different. What is going on here? Have I come upon a world-threatening conspiracy?

look at his website photograph

Ahah! Now we have a skinny Robert Bradbury! Now, in just a few months has Robert lost a massive amount of weight? Or is he simply parodying in his post a popular cartoon from the seventies?

I think not my friends! I think the Robert Bradbury we knew has been replaced. Obviously an AI is among us and has begun it's program of infiltration and poor Robert Bradbury has been one of the first victims. The AI must have downloaded itself into his mind and then worked off all that fat with nanites which have taken possession of his body. I just hope Eliezer can stop this horror before it's too late for all of us. Unless he's a part of it too and I greatly suspect that!

Unless people can prove that my theory is wrong I will warn everyone to keep their distance from him. His globetrotting travels are obviously for the reason of spreading the contagion. As soon as the Russian economy gets better(he spent alot of time there) I will know with total certainty my conspiracy theory is true.

I must now go and attend the Zombiefest Halloween party at the local Sheraton. It is best party of the year here in Anchorage and so while having fun I must look carefully for signs of people acting strangely.

be warned,


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