Re: Cold Fusion Update

Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 15:29:58 MDT

Cold Fusion as an area of scientific interest existed long before the world
ever heard of the misrepresentation displayed by Pins and Fleishman in 1989.
The technique is the catalysis of hydrogen isotopes by negatively charged
muons. The problem is that the process to create the negative muons is
inefficient, and that the negative muons last only a few pico-seconds which
is well below the take-off point needed to sustain a catalytic reaction. The
estimated number of reactions to break-even has been estimated at around 900.
The current levels of anti-muon reaction production is about 250. Its
certinly an area worth research, but is surely no guarantee. Similarly the
ITER tokamac is finding it difficult to get funds the scope and goal of ITER
cannot be met. Plus its very expensive. But, in principle, both processes
work! To deny this is to deny what we know.

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