Learning Behaviour Based Control in Autonomous Mobile Robots

From: J. R. Molloy (jr@shasta.com)
Date: Sat Oct 07 2000 - 20:48:12 MDT

pointed to this paper for Eugene Leitl, since I don't know what Humberto's

The operation of a mobile autonomous robot in an unstructured environment, as it
occurs in the real world, needs to take into account many details. Mainly, the
controller has to be able to operate under conditions of imprecision and
uncertainty. For instance, the a priori knowledge of the environment, in
general, is incomplete, uncertain, and approximate. Typically, the perceptual
information acquired is also incomplete and affected by the noise. Moreover, the
execution of a control command is not completely reliable due to the complexity
and unpredictability of the real world dynamics. Mobile robots are increasingly
required to navigate and perform purposeful autonomous tasks in more complex
domains, in real world like environments. These requirements demand reactive
capacity in their navigation systems. Over the last decade much of the work on
reactive navigation has been inspired by the layered control system of the
subsumption architecture (Brooks 1986), which tightly couples sensing and
action. The emergent behavior of the robot is the result of the cooperation of
independent reactive modules, each one specialised in a particular basic

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