Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Franklin Wayne Poley (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 13:06:09 MDT

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, J. R. Molloy wrote:

> > I guess AI will have to make a judgement call. That's the truly dangerous
> > part.
> >
> > Emlyn
> The truly dangerous part is that religious fanatics may blow up the world before
> sane people get a chance to evolve AI. Almost as scary as fascist fear mongers
> who want to outlaw AI research are the wacko fundamentalists of the Middle East
> who actually believe some "messiah" is going to intervene in human events. You
> may not want to eliminate homicidal fundies, but you can bet they'd have no
> compunction about eliminating you. As I see it, AI will want to be friendly to
> sane humans, and death to homicidal fundies.
> --J. R.
> See ya -- gotta go meditate for a few days.

How about meditating on Silverberg's script, "Good News From The
Vatican"? When the smoke goes up the chimney I want to see Pope Bender I
emerge as victor. (Has anyone seen the original of Silverberg? I only have
it from a secondary reference).

Machine Psychology:

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