Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 01:13:35 MDT

CYMM wrote:

> You may even see a whole cult of mind hackers by 2010. Whole multi terabyte
> hard drives (...or whatever...) with seriously camouflage-encrypted binaries
> that are decrypted on the fly. The cult of superhuman intelligence is
> enthralling... once it is practically realizeable - it will become a
> religion.

Heck. They're here now.

> Do you think you can fight religion? And win?
> You're talking about the "Artilect Wars" all over again. But this is a
> dirty, Vietnam-style war.... where people defend their God-given "right" to
> create God with a seething, righteous passion. Should be fun if you're into
> war.

Good point. I've thought a few times about starting a sci-tech based
and very friendly religion. Pull in some favored causes like having
information be a holy sacrament that must be shared freely. "We answer
to a Higher Source." Maybe religious citadels that are data havens.
Have church tithes and "love offerings" go to fund various open source
and other high tech projects. All proceeds from same freely shared with
all members of course. And all proceeds and such R&D organizations would
in theory be immune to taxation. It could be really good fun. Even (or
perhaps especially) if I am utterly serious about such things.

- samantha

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