Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 09:38:17 MDT

Emlyn wrote:

> Caveat: some THers don't believe in the mighty deity
> that is the Spike...

Wow Emlyn thanks! I didnt know there were those dirty THers
that dont believe in Me. I shall arrange for these faithless heathen
to writhe in unspeakable agony for all eternity.

> Emlyn
> (Talking of Spike, he really did dissapear, cold turkey no less! Scary!)

Im back. Ive even decided to cut down on the silliness, such
as the above. Went on vacation, had a great time. My mailbox
filled up after the first 3 days, so I missed out on the chatter from
a week ago last Wednesday until last night. {8-[

I shall get over it however. {8-] Soon as I fry those THers.

What is a THer? spike

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