Re: SOC/CULTURE: Jaron Lanier in on "Cybernetic Totalists"

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 00:17:32 MDT

Ziana Astralos writes,

> > "Greetings, flesh-forms! I am Kevin Warwick of
> > Reading University, cyborg freedom fighter from the
> > 22nd century.
> I thought that was 'Kevin Reading of Warwick
> University'. :-) Kevin Warwick's the real guy.

Yeah, I know. Having guessed that Kevin (or his webmaster) had inadvertently
switched |Reading| and |Warwick| I made what I thought was a correction. So
maybe they were just being funny. Oh well.

--J. R.

"...If 'God' is a synonym for the deepest principles of physics, what word
is left for a hypothetical being who answers prayers, intervenes to save
cancer patients or helps evolution over difficult jumps, forgives sins or
dies for them? If we are allowed to relabel scientific awe as a religious
impulse, the case goes through on the nod. You have redefined science as
religion, so it's hardly surprising if they turn out to 'converge.'"

--Richard Dawkins

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