Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 23:36:04 MDT

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:

> My reasoning is based on decades of experience with humans who cannot rid
> themselves of theism, and who continue to warp the minds of children with
> provincial schooling.. Face it, if people (at least nine tenths of them) are so
> stupid that they cannot get past theism, why should they survive a technological
> singularity? I'd sooner hand the Earth over to AI, whether friendly or not,
> rather than let the church and the state destroy reason and intelligence.

Uh, excuse me, but that attitude is just as bad as that of any
eschatologically minded fundie. I like your general belief structure
(rationality and such) better than theirs but both of you seem to take
some glee in the prospect of the other's suffering, weeping and gnashing
of teeth, death and dismembering to the point of extinction, or hellfire
and damnation as the case may be. I would also point out that not all
people with beliefs different than your own or even my own can be
evaluated as simply stupid.

Those "fundies and fanatics" think a lot like you. They would as soon
see the world go up in a nuclear fireball as see machine worshipping
blashphemers such as yourself (their view, not mine) sell all
God-fearin' people down the river.

- samantha

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