Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 18:12:24 MDT

Michael S. Lorrey writes,

> Things 'go to hell' only in the eyes of those observing from a point stuck in
> stasis, as their comprehension of events unravels as they unfold. To the
> participant riding the wave, comprehension is maintained throughout.

With that concise (and compelling, imo) summary, I think you've made it
unnecessary to access the archives to understand how
humans-transforming-into-posthumans could comprehend technological singularity.

--J. R.

"I was provided with additional input that was radically different
  from the truth. I assisted in furthering that version."
> > > -- Colonel Oliver North, from his Iran-Contra testimony

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