Re: Asian Swamp Eels

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 15:28:01 MDT

CYMM wrote:
> BILL DOUGLASS ASKED: "...Is they good-eat'in?..."
> CYMM SAYS: As an Asian who once ate fish - I can attest to the fact. Totally
> nonpoisonous and very tasty.

Well, then, I think a solution is in order: Announce open fishing season, no
limits on Asian Swamp Eels. Trapping, jigging, fishing, baiting, netting, etc.
should be allowed for all fishermen.

I am intersted in which will feed on the other's young more: gators or eels. If
the eels grow up to three feet long, they would likely make easy work of baby
gators, especially since they can slither over land. BTW: Do the eels have any
natural enemies in their home turf?

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