Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 21:33:51 MDT

>From: Eugene Leitl <>

>Samantha Atkins writes:
> > > I don't see any rational reason for being nice to those who can't
> > > reciprocate. (Of course I'm still being nice, I'm only human).
> >
> > This is rather a distressing prognosis for any smarter AI or alien that
> > happens along. We can look forward to them treating us about like we
> > treat animals?
>Probably more something like yeast.
>I would be very delighted if you told me why not. It's not that I
>enjoy such gloomy logic, but.

I hope that "enlightenment" goes hand in hand with "intelligence." Sure,
for millenia we treated animals as if they had no neurologic function at
all. But we're learning. There are probably more vegetarians now than ever
before, and many people no longer consider the PETA folks to be as nutty as
they once did. Hopefully the AI will continue along this path.


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