Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 14:45:45 MDT

Eugene Leitl writes,

> Further difficulties lie in the fact that the AI is not homogenous,
> because it has radiated after nucleation. It's name is Legion, and
> they're all of vastly differing complexities.

Well, they *shall* be of vastly differing complexities... when they do actually

Meanwhile, we can use the fact that the AI is not homogenous to choose the most
friendly of the bunch as replicators or parents of future generations of AI.
This will, of course, insure that they remain friendly.

Friendlies magnify friendliness by terminating unfriendlies.

--J. R.

"A technophobic view of the future places humans on the same highway to
extinction [as the dinosaurs] driven there not by a cataclysmic meteor crash,
but by the impact of robots with intelligence vastly superior to that of purely
biological mankind."

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