Re: MEDIA: 670um arm working in aqueous media

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 06:29:37 MDT

Doug Jones writes:

> 670um is most of a millimeter- clearly visible to the eye! (At least to
> my severely nearsighted eye :) Even a 670 nm arm would be two orders of
> magnitude too large for nanotech. If you can see it, it's hardly even
> microtech, much less nanotech.

Still, it's pretty damn small for a micromanipulator as they come
these days. What is more interesting is positioning precision -- STM
tips are very macroscopic, yet resolve down to few pm resolution, thus
making them clearly nanomanipulators.

One of the nano top down bootstrap schemes proposes using a
progressively smaller sequence of micromanipulators, each instance
used to build a smaller instance.

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