Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 20:13:24 MDT

"Franklin Wayne Poley" writes,

> I'm not talking psychic science...or rocket science. I just mean that you
> can tell a layman what a crane does or a backhoe or a nuclear energy
> plant. So tell people what your "AI machines" will do. You can tell people
> what a calculator will achieve as a substitute for human intelligence and
> you can do this with the rest of AI.

I think Ray Kurzweil has done a better job of it than I could do.
Please read his article at:

Let me know when you've finished.

> I mean control in the same practical sense that we mean control when we
> are talking about keeping a nuclear energy plant or a train or whatever
> under control. That is the kind of assurance the general public needs if
> it is going to back and fund these AI projects.

Ha-ha-ha-ha! Thanks for the tiny chuckle.
The general public need not back or fund AI projects because the US military is
spending millions trying to develop AI.
Have you heard of the US Navy's Human Brain Project?
Corporations and Universities are sinking billions into developing AI.
Don't worry, there's no shortage of funds backing AI research.

Once again, please read the article at

--J. R.

PS: If anyone on this (or any other) e-mail list gets close to actually coding a
real AI, that will probably be the last we ever hear from them, because there
are some very powerful forces which would instantly buy (or otherwise procure)
their expertise.

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