Re: Capitalists and concentration camps

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 12:32:02 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/00 8:15:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << >Are you suggesting that a government can be a democracy without having
> any
> >protection for the rights of minorities? Does that mean you do not have to
> >have respect for a minorities lives or property?? How about their
> political
> >rights? Can you respect their lives without respecting their property?
> How
> >about an artist or writer's right to their work.
> Absolutely. >>
> Then was the Nazi Party in Germany which seems to have been supported by the
> majority of the people a Democracy?

Actually, it came to power in a very Clintonian manner. It never won a majority
of the vote, although it won the largest minority. Von Hindenberg could not get
a center-right majority coalition formed in parliament without the Nazis, and he
thought he could manipulate Hitler, so he appointed him chancellor and gave him
the chance to form a government. They won the next election, then started losing
in the polls, so they staged their takeover before the election after that. Note
also that Hitler made himself look like a 'good' Nazi by purging Roehm and his
brownshirt extremists. Then the German ambassador to France was shot, allegedly
by a jewish anarchist, in Paris, and that triggered Kristallnacht.

After Hitler ran the Roehm purge, he had arrested any MP that opposed him,
rammed through the emergency decree, and that ended democracy. He kept a rubber
stamp Reichstag around for appearances sake.

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