Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 00:28:43 MDT

J. R. Molloy writes:

> PoSCs' Mind Children will want to be friendly because it's the intelligent way
> to go.

Irrelevant. Humans are intelligent, yet are biggest predators and
inflictors of agony on this planet, simply because their intelligence
allows them to pursue their agenda on a grander scale. In similiar
circumstances, cats or weasels would have done worse.

Moreover, if we radiate we will have disintegrate into all sorts of
critters, some of them dumb as dirt. Us becoming a monoclonal
population of angels, that's just not in the books.

Thanks for the paper, btw, and feel free to point out any other
sources of papers on evolutionary algorithms you run into. Two pairs
of eyes see more than one.

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