Perceptual Worlds (Was: Why friendly?)

Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 12:45:54 MDT

In a message dated 9/24/00 1:33:23 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

<< Oh, why bother. I really am starting to get a bit frustrated over here.
 been talking about this for weeks and it doesn't seem to have any effect
 whatsoever. Nobody is even bothering to distinguish between subgoals and
 supergoals. You're all just playing with words. >>

List String Subgoal: Piss Eli off by arguing trees over forest.
List String Supergoal: Survival Of Self.

We all live in different perceptual worlds; ourselves, other humans, other
living things, and soon, AI. This discussion over the motives of that AI is
degrading into other-bashing. And it sidesteps our underlying motives. That
being fear of death and/or fear of loss of self.

After the transcendent AI breaks out, we (it and us) will evolve together. We
may lose our 'self.' But we will likely gain all other 'selves'. And those
selves will become part of the new whole.

Humans + AI + Everything Else On Earth =/< Whatever Comes Next

We cannot preserve our 'self' *unless* Whatever Comes Next decides having
discreet perceptual units (us, kitty, or AI) is in vis/ver interest.

On some level, we will be incorporated into the perceptional world of the AI.
And vice versa. Then, and only then, will we walk in the AI's shoes. Because
they will be ours.


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