Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 06:47:16 MDT

<<What makes you think we'll be able to terminate a being which is orders of
magnitude more intelligent than we are? And even if we could, what makes
you think AI will be bribable? Why should it *care* whether it is
terminated? Particularly when its existence consists mostly of slave labor?

Try putting yourself in the AI's shoes. How would *you* react? Me thinks
that if you start the human-AI relationship on the basis of fear, threats
and mistrust, it is the humans who will come out with the short end of the
George Dyson, has it right when he views us as part of the machine, rather then a.i. being something totally away from the human realm. If you were a manufactured intelligence, perhaps you would desire feedback, tactilly from the world? Maybe that's a primary element of what a.i. needs to succeed?

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