Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Darin Sunley (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 01:33:15 MDT

It's so seldom I get a chance to contribute meaningfully to the conversation
here, but let me jump in...

I think the relevant image here was of an AI carrying on an optimal
conversation with a human being by testing it's repsonses against a trillion
high fidelity simulations of that human, during the time it took the human
to draw a breath.

You cannot win a negotiation against something that quite rightly views you
as a deterministic process.

I believe Eliezer is alluding to the the difficulty of indentifying with a
mind that is that much closer to a force_of_nature then any mere unaugmented
human ever can or ever will be.

Darin Sunley

-----Original Message-----
From: Zero Powers <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

>>Zero Powers wrote:

>Based upon your belief, I presume, that AI will be so completely unlike
>humanity that there is no way we can even begin to imagine the AI's
>thoughts, values and motivations?

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