Re: Ye Are Gods

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 20:52:36 MDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Emlyn" <>

> As an aside, I think it's funny that transhumanism, which purports to
> about moving away from humanity, is actually more about what it is,
> fundamentally, to be human, than any other belief system/philosophy/vision
> that I can think of. Its about us merging more fully with our tools,
> believing more strongly in our ability to reshape the universe, believing
> ourselves rather than some unknowable greater force(s).

Transhumanism is, after all, a form of humanism.

 By the way Emlyn, I've said as much before, but I really appreciate your

I think it's important to not confuse honest humility with some sort of
shivering kitten meekness. For me, the reason for humility is
ever-present-- it's in the vastness of the cosmos that enfolds us, it's in
the mind boggling intricacy of reality, it's that little human, staring out
at the universe, mouth open in a question.

Arrogance is often seen as a hallmark of intelligence, but in my experience
those people who I deem to be most wise, most intelligent, most mentally
nimble, who just seem to "get it" are those who recognize how little we
know, how small we are, and how magnificiently awesome the journey ahead is.
It might seem contradictory, but for myself, Transhumanism is the
recognition of that core truth mingled with the intense desire and belief
that we can go so very much further.

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