Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 16:39:38 MDT

From: "Scott Badger" <>
> If I seek transcendance through intelligence
> enhancement, uploading, or something else, can't I
> expect to lose this illusion I call my identity?

No, because the one who expects this outcome will continue to identify itself
through expectation.

> need would there be for such an illusion?

The illusion persists in direct proportion as identity remains.

Those I've
> discussed this with claim that it makes little sense
> for "me" to want to transhumanize if the "me" is lost
> in the process. There would only be a memory of the
> "me" illusion ... like remembering how the highway
> looks like water on a hot day.
> are we simply hoping to preserve something
> that is little more than a vestigial aspect of the the
> really important parts of our total architecture?

The hope to preserve the self is as illusory as the self.
The self exists like writing on the surface of water.

> So can we expect AI to have a architecture similar to
> huumans ... multiple agents acting in a coordinated
> fashion but without a central component analogous to
> our notion of a self?

AI may or may not have a notion of "self" depending on how it becomes socialized
with other elements of AI.

--J. R.

"That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of
empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder."
 --Calvin (& Hobbes)
[Amara Graps list of quotations]

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