Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 16:10:09 MDT

From: "Barbara Lamar" <>
> > Capitalists have never:
> >
> > a) operated concentration camps
> How about what was done to US citizens of Japanese ancestry during the
> 1940's?

Government did that, not capitalists.

> > b) exterminated people they refused to do business with
> How about US aid to military in places such as San Salvador, Mexico,
> Guatemala?

Government did that, not capitalism.

> > c) exterminated anyone who looked at or talked badly about the
> > bosses
> How about unruly slaves?

Capitalism does not enslave people. It pays them wages.

> > d) waged war against people
> > etc etc etc
> How about the USA/CSA war of the 1860's? How about the "war on drugs?"

Capitalism markets drugs, it doesn't wage war against them. The Civil War was
about federalism not capitalism.

--J. R.

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