GUNS: Re: Why here?

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 22:59:30 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 08:01:47 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Brian D Williams <>
>Subject: GUNS: Re: Why here?
>From: "Joe Dees" <>
>>Whyncha come clean and publicly admit what you, as an NRA member,
>>must already know - that the emotional appeals to the second half
>>of the second amendment are meant to inflame the faithful, but not
>>to convince the courts? You know full well that the NRA has never
>>contested a gun regulation on second amendment grounds - because
>>they know that it's a losing judicial argument, since the courts
>>will not recognize your organization's particular eisegesis as
>>either relevant or valid.
>Many gun laws have been contested Joe, the FACT is that the Supreme
>Court has always ducked this issue.
>The so called second half of the Second Amendment is actually the
>first, the so called first part is conditional on the second.
>Try reading U.S vs EMERSON for a federal judge's opinion.
>Actually thanks to the efforts of a Federal judge, we may finally
>have a resolution to this. By rejecting the government's case on
>Second Amendment grounds in U.S. vs EMERSON, a case now headed for
>the Supreme Court, we may finally get a ruling on this.
>I predict the court will duck the issue once again.
>By the way, the people you are collaborating with are not
>interested in "sensible" or "reasonable" gun laws, they are
>interested in eliminating all guns except for the military and
>That includes yours.
Actuyally, um, no. The page I reference here to you today to blow your contention out of the water is from the Sarah Brady group Handgun Control, which baldly states, and I quote,
                           Handgun Control works to enact sensible gun control legislation in the United State but does not seek to ban guns.

You may claim that they're lying and produce NRA 'quotes' to supposedly reinforce such an assertion, but that is a direct quote from the web page.
I refer you to:

to help you to learn about second amendment law from the judicial perspective.
>Todays AWAD also applies to you:
>palilogy (puh-LIL-uh-jee) noun
>The technique of repeating a word or phrase for emphasis. Also,
>[From Greek palillogia recapitulation, equivalent to palin again,
>back + -logia -logy.]
>"What Highet calls a tricolon we may today call a palilogy, the
>deliberate repetition of words and grammatical presentations, a
>sort of parallelism in threes."
>Bret L. Keeling, H.D. and `The Contest': archaeology of a Sapphic
>gaze, Twentieth Century Literature, Jun 22, 1998.
>This week's theme: words about words.
>Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. -Steven
>Wright, comedian
>(1955- )
>Extropy Institute,
>Adler Planetarium
>Life Extension Foundation,
>National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
>Mars Society,
>Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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