Re: MEDIA: Ray Kurzweil piece in Business 2.0

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 07:29:11 MDT

>From: Max More <>

>I don't think it's been mentioned yet, so here's a link to a piece by Ray
>Kurzweil in Business 2.0 (Sept. 26), titled "Dear PC: R.I.P." This is part
>of the issue's "Future Shock 2" feature, beginning with updated thoughts by
>Alvin Toffler.
>Two other people in that issue that "get it" are Peter Schwartz and Newt
>Gingrich (yes, really).

Good ol' Ray (God bless him) makes it sound like the singularity is just
around the corner! I wouldn't bet against anything he says, but he seems a
little on the optimistic side. We'll see...


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