Re: GUNS: Why here?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 12:14:30 MDT

James Rogers wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Hal Finney wrote:
> >
> > One problem is that not only government and
> > hoodlums, but everyone else, lives constantly in fear of the citizenry.
> > I remember when I went into a jewelry store where the proprietor wore
> > a sidearm. It was pretty scary knowing he could pull out his gun and
> > shoot me dead at any time. I didn't go back.
> This is an irrational fear. When you walk down a sidewalk, any one of the
> drivers passing by could turn their wheel and run you over. And it
> happens, with intent no less, relatively often. Do you never leave the
> house?
> For that matter, there are more than a few people walking around that
> could kill you as quickly with their bare hands as they could with a gun.
> The intent of the individual has far more bearing on your personal safety
> than any tools they may have on their person.

Just so. Does mister Finney refuse to travel in states with concealed carry
right laws? Sounds like a phobia we are dealing with here...

A business owner is not in the habit of shooting his customers, Hal, and you
ought to be intelligent enough to figure out that, and that the implied threat
of his gun should only scare those with the intent to steal. Does this mean that
you were planning on robbing him?

Mike Lorrey

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