Re: Socialist views still broadly popular

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 11:39:14 MDT

Doug Jones wrote:
> "J. Hughes" wrote:
> >
> > Tuesday, September 19, 2000
> >
> > Candidate: Socialists a mainstream party
> > Many who answer Web survey say their views are more like Socialist's than
> > Gore's, Bush's
> Heh. McReynolds has staked out a nice bland middle, unlike Bush
> pandering to the religious right, and Gore pandering to the NEA & big
> labor. I took the test, and of course matched Harry Browne. I was more
> amused to score 100% Humanist on the religion selector- and zero
> agreement with Jehovah's Witnesses. Nothing I didn't know already...

Here's my results and the degree of concurrence with the candidates. IMHO, the
only reason McReynolds is ahead of Gore is because Gore is for the Drug War and
McReynolds is not.
1. ABORTION ISSUES: Which views on the issue of abortion would you prefer your
candidate advocate? Neutral

2. MINORITY ISSUES: Would you prefer your candidate support or oppose such
legislation as affirmative action?Strongly prefer Oppose

3. CAMPAIGN FINANCE: Would you prefer your candidate support or oppose campaign
finance reform? Stronglyprefer Oppose Reform (Lift restrictions on

4. CRIME: Some candidates have outlined their approach to minimizing crime.
Which approach do you prefer your candidate stress? Strongly prefer "get tough"
approach, e.g. longer prison sentences

5. DEFENSE SPENDING: Would you prefer your candidate advocate an increase or
decrease in the defense spending budget? Strongly prefer Increase

6. DRUG POLICY: Some presidential candidates support an increase in drug crime
prosecution and penalties while some favor a decriminalization or complete
legalization of what are currently drug crimes. What stance would you like your
candidate to adopt? Strongly prefer support decriminalization

7. GAY RIGHTS: Some candidates believe that sexual orientation is an
unchangeable characteristic and support across the board equality under civil
law for gay and lesbian Americans. On the other end of the spectrum, some
believe that gay relationships are a destructive assault on the heterosexual,
marriage-based family. What policies would you like your candidate to favor?
Somewhat support Legislative equality for homosexuals.

8. EDUCATION: Some presidential candidates support school choice. Others see it
as a separation of church and state issue. What position would you like your
candidate to support? Strongly prefer School Choice

9. ENVIRONMENT: Which position regarding the environment would your ideal
candidate advocate? Somewhat prefer support the environment only after
considering market and private property concerns.

10. EVOLUTION VS. CREATIONISM: Some presidential candidates favor the teaching
of Creationism in public schools along evolution which is currently taught in
science classes. What's your opinion? Strongly prefer the situation as it is
now: evolution only

11. FOREIGN POLICY: Would you prefer your candidate embrace an
non-interventionist or interventionist. Somewhat prefer non-interventionist

12. GUN CONTROL: Would you prefer your candidate oppose or support gun control
legislation? Strongly prefer Oppose

13. HEALTH CARE: Would you prefer your candidate support increased federal
involvement in health care? Or would you prefer health care be an area outside
governmental control? Strongly prefer health care as primarily the
responsibility of the individual

14. MORAL ISSUES: Would you prefer your candidate favor federal, state and/or
local legislation supporting "traditional values" such as advocating prayer in
public schools, promoting teen-age sexual abstinence and restricting access to
Internet pornography? Somewhat prefer oppose legislation of"traditional

15. SOCIAL SECURITY: Would you prefer your candidate promise to preserve or
reform (including dismantle) Social Security? Strongly prefer reforming

16. TAX POLICY: Various candidates have promised to overhaul the federal income
tax codes. They differ in how extreme the proposed changes would be. Strongly
support reforming or abolishing

17. TRADE ISSUES: Would you prefer your candidate be an advocate of free trade
or trade controls like tariffs and embargoes? Strongly prefer free-trade

Based on the above input, we have determined that the candidates match your
viewpoints as represented by your answers in the following order:

#1: Harry Browne (75%)
#2: Alan Keyes (70%)
#3: George W. Bush (68%)
#4: Howard Phillips (58%)
#5: John Hagelin (51%)
#6: Patrick J. (Pat) Buchanan (46%)
#7: David McReynolds (30%)
#8: Albert Gore Jr. (26%)
#9: Ralph Nader (22%)

Its odd that there is such enmity between Hagelin and Buchanan, because there
really is not that much difference between the two policy wise. I think Reform
Party people hate Buchanan mostly for the same reasons the GOP dislikes David

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