Re: MEDIA: Ray Kurtzweil piece in Business 2.0

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 09:48:27 MDT

From: Max More <>

>I don't think it's been mentioned yet, so here's a link to a piece
>by Ray Kurzweil in Business 2.0 (Sept. 26), titled "Dear PC:
>R.I.P." This is part of the issue's "Future Shock 2" feature,
>beginning with updated thoughts by Alvin Toffler.

>Two other people in that issue that "get it" are Peter Schwartz
>and Newt Gingrich (yes, really).


It's a sign of the times that I have this issue sitting on my desk
at home, but haven't read it yet.

Thanks for the URL. I too agree completely.

The Newt is a longtime friend of the Toffler's, and a very sharp
fellow. He just has that tendency to really piss some people off.

Peter Schwartz (The art of the long view) is at the top of my list
of must read people.


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