Re: MEDIA: Ray Kurzweil piece in Business 2.0

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 19:51:05 MDT

--- Emlyn <> wrote:
> Has someone got more on this? It comes from the
> article posted below:
> "We already have technology for electronic devices
> to communicate with neurons in both directions
> ...
> scientists at the Max Planck Institute in
> Heidelberg, Germany, have developed "neuron
> transistors"
> ...
> demonstrated their invention by controlling the
> movement of a living leech from their computer. "

>From :

" Every now and then one runs across a news article
that confirms ones vision of the future. On page 137
of the August 26, 1995 issue of Science News there is
just such an article. The article "A silicon chip with
a lot of nerve" reports the work of Peter Fromherz and
Alfred Stett at the Max Planck Institute of
Biochemistry in Munich. It seems the two researchers
have succeeded in making a silicon chip that can
directly stimulate a single nerve cell without
damaging the cell. By propagating a voltage pulse from
a tiny spot on the cell membrane a neuronal impulse
can be triggered. Information flow, in the reverse
direction, from cell to chip may be accomplished using
"neuron transistors" which receive ionic nerve
impulses and transform them to electrical impulses on
a silicon chip. Though this research was done using
leech nerves, one can easily see that the fantasies of
William Gibson, author of Neuromancer, and others have
quietly slipped into the realm of possibility.
Fromherz and Stett's work was origionally published in
the August 21, 1995 issue of PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS.

Read the abstract/info of a later article, at the
bottom of

Another short article is at

Wired 4.08 (August 1996) had an article about it, in
the middle of the page at

      Ziana Astralos GCS/MC/IT/L/O d- s-:- a? C++++ U P+ L W+++ N+ w+
  or M-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+++ DI++++
         T.E.C.H. D+ G++ e- h!>++ !r x-

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